Fine Voice Academy
Student and Performance Charter 2016
This Charter sets out the standards, expectations and aspirations of both students and the staffs who sing, perform and teach at the Academy. The Academy can only enhance its reputation and excellent musical training if students and staff set the highest possible standards.
The Academy’s responsibility to its students:
The Academy will develop a programme of artistic events as a means of enhancing the experience of its students. It will develop collaborative links with other professionals and groups. The Academy will be responsible for recommending performance opportunities for students based upon the professional experience of the staff.
The Academy is very proud of its clear and friendly communications and hopes this helps generate a relaxed environment, generates trust and helps you fulfil your potential as a student.
The Academy will provide you with access to learning resources that are deemed appropriate and supportive of your studies.
We will ensure that you are treated fairly and respectfully regardless of your age, sexual orientation, gender, marital status, race or disability.
If the Academy is made aware of a Disability it will ensure that it provides as much assistance and support as is practical.
We will ensure that any personal data and information retained whilst you study at the Academy is treated in the strictest confidence and with due regard to the Data Protection Act 2000.
As a student at the Academy you have a responsibility to:
Act with respect and due regard to your tutors professional experience and knowledge.
Pursue your studies and performances with diligence, honesty and professionalism.
Be considerate and take care of equipment used in the pursuit of your studies. Ensure you observe any instructions with due regard to the health and safety of yourself and others.
If you are required to perform in public by the Academy then you must ensure that you conduct yourself with the highest standards as you represent both yourself and the Academy. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and in exceptional circumstances you may be asked to leave the performance and/or the Academy.
You should ensure that you do not do anything that could bring the Academy into disrepute or unduly distress other members of the Academy. This behaviour will not be tolerated.
Students should notify the Academy of any changes to contact details and observe deadlines for completion of any forms and paperwork.
Payment of all fees and charges should be made when due. Payment should be made either in cash or by cheque or by utilising the Direct Debit Scheme available. Late fees will not be tolerated unless by previous arrangement and/or in exceptional circumstances.
Students have a responsibility to notify the Academy at least 48 hours in advance if they are unable to attend studies. Alternative arrangements can then be made .Notification after this, unless in exceptional circumstances, will incur payment.
If there is anything giving a student cause for concern they should notify the Academy immediately using the appropriate methods of communication. If a Student wishes to make a complaint this must be done so in writing.
You should be professional and respectful of others at all times and ensure that where possible you observe performance etiquette as follows:
It is your responsibility to ensure you know the required times of arrival and arrive promptly.
You should ensure that you know and follow the dress code.
You should ensure you have your music in readiness.
Be mindful of the possibility of pre performance anxiety in yourself and in others and try to be supportive and not to exacerbate the situation.
You should only perform as explicitly requested by the Academy.
When on stage you should conduct yourself in a professional manner being mindful of microphones and your audience.
At the end of a performance you should not leave the stage until you are asked to do so by the Academy and only after acknowledgement of your audience in the form of a coordinated bow. You should leave the stage in silence.
When you are not on stage you should demonstrate respect to your fellow performers.
We hope that you will have a long and enjoyable study with us at the Academy.
Simon Long
Maestro and Director
Fine Voice Academy